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- The USA

At various times, mostly when I was living in the UK and working in the real world my old company (whose Name Must Not Be Mentioned lest some dreadful fate befall me - like working for them again!) sent me on short trips to the USA (NJ) to write and install software, train staff and otherwise make a nuisance of myself. Well, staff singular - hi Rob! - and not so much train as terrorise with my first C++ program, a 10K-line pile of horse-manure .

I caught the bus into New York a couple of times and saw house numbers which must have come from Texas, the rubbish bin (sorry, trash can) from Hell and the Maori-esque final destination of all known junk food.

The US has many sophisticated innovations, including (but not limited to) non-confrontational warfare, the yellow taxi-cab and mysterious red objects which occur nowhere else in the world.

Japan isn't the only country where one finds quirky English. I confirmed the long harboured secret antagonism of the US toward British literature. I had nagging doubts about the word optimal in this sign, but couldn't confirm them initially because optimal isn't in the Australian MacQuarie Dictionary. Webster's defines optimal as "most desirable or satisfactory". Assuming the definition correct I am forced to conclude (in the absence of an objective, universal standard for ranking space) that most is taking on its secondary meaning (in US english) of almost.

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