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- Curious Words and Phrases

[accolent] [adjunctory] [affine] [ailurophile] [aleatory] [alexipharmacon] [ambisinister] [ancilla] [anent] [apiphobe] [aposiopesis] [arachibutyrophobia] [ballistophobia] [betenoire] [bosky] [brockie] [cag] [carnyx] [chatoyance] [cnidophobe] [commensal] [crytoscopophilia] [cynophobe] [dudder] [enology] [exsanguinate] [famulus] [fewterer] [fictile] [fid] [fliegel] [fremitus] [frenchleave] [fribble] [gilravage] [girn] [glabrous] [glaucous] [glout] [gloze] [haypth] [kitthougue] [leechdom] [leucoderm] [lexiphane] [lucubration] [macadamise] [mattoid] [melissophobe] [misodoctakleidist] [misopedist] [morepork] [mulct] [muliebrity] [myoclonic] [nafrage] [nafragous] [nares] [nebbish] [network] [oenology] [omphaloskepsis] [otophobia] [parasang] [paronomania] [paronomasia] [pawl] [peccatophobia] [persiflage] [phaneromaniac] [phatic] [philargyist] [philocynic] [pococurante] [properispomenon] [punkah] [scobberlotch] [scrobiculate] [scrod] [septentrional] [siege] [sinistral] [sitophobia] [slobberchops] [snottygobble] [spheksophobe] [spong] [squinch] [sternutation] [swinge] [taphephobia] [trichophobia] [ucalegon] [ugsome] [usquebae] [velleity] [vestiphobia] [wimbler] [xanthoderm]

See also:

From http://luc.aleaume.free.fr/new_site/site_fortune/html/definitions.html:

See also: phobialist.com

From the book Language Change: Progress or Decay? by Jean Aitchison (1981):

From Webster's dictionary:

From the wonderful Merriam-Webster Word for the Wise site:

From the Lewis & Short Latin Dictionary:

From the dictionary.com word-of-the-day archive:

From Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson (1990):

Morepork is the name of two species of owl found in Australian & New Zealand, known variously as the boobook, mopoke, morepork (from the sound of its double hoot), spotted owl & marbled owl (from its appearance). I'd found a homophone in Terry Pratchet's famous Discworld novels, which feature the city Ankh-Morpork [thanks to Geoff Bailey for the correct spelling!], but it wasn't until almost 20 years later I came across 'morepork' in Ruth Park's novel (see quote below), originally published in 1948. A brief web search turned up the following:

Terry [Pratchett] has said that the name 'Ankh-Morpork' was inspired neither by the ankh (the Egyptian cross with the closed loop on top), nor by the Australian or New Zealand species of bird (frogmouths and small brown owls, respectively) that go by the name of 'Morepork'.

From The Harp in the South by Ruth Park (Published in Ruth Park's "Harp in the South" Novels, Penguin Books, 1987):

From assorted sources on the internet:

fliegel -- From The Comic Stories by Anton Chekhov (Translated by Harvey Pitcher, pub. Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 1999):

Words found in The World of Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse:

From The Admirable Crichton, by J. M. Barrie (University of London Press, 1970):

commensal adj. & n. (one) who eats at the same table; (animal or plant) living harmlessly with or in another and thus obtaining food [...] [Latin mensa table] -- The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 7th Edition

From The Story of Rats by S. Anthony Barnett (Allen & Unwin, 2001):

From Some cloves of Gallic for the alphabet soup, one of Ruth Wajnryb's weekly word columns (Sydney Morning Herald, 20 Sep 2003, Spectrum liftout, p. 9)

From Made In America by Bill Bryson (Black Swan books, 1994):

fid n. a tapered usually wooden pin used in opening the strands of a rope

pawl n. A pivoted tongue or sliding bolt on one part of a machine that is adapted to fall into notches on another part (as a ratchet wheel) so as to permit motion in only one direction [Merriam-Webster]

From The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May (Pan Books, 1981):

chatoyance n. The quality or state of being chatoyant --

chatoyant adj. Having a changeable luster or color with an undulating narrow band of white light [Etymology: from the French present participle of chatoyer to shine like a cat's eyes] [Merriam-Webster]

From The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May (Pan Books, 1981):

enology / oenology n. the science of wine and wine-making.

From The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May (Pan Books, 1981):

bosky adj. having an abundance of trees or shrubs / relating to woods

From The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May (Pan Books, 1981):

carnyx adj. an ancient Celtic or Pictish war horn

From The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May (Pan Books, 1981):

scrobiculate adj. (Botany & Zoology) pitted, furrowed. [from Latin scrobiculus (scrobis trench [...] )] -- The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 7th Edition

From Intervention by Julian May (Pan Books, 1988):

usquebae n. Earlier form of the word whisky. The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 7th Edition cites whisky as an abbreviation of the obsolete whiskybae, a variant of usquebaugh. See also the entry for usquebae in The Dictionary of the Scots Language

gilravage v. 1. To eat and drink intemperately, to guzzle, to feast riotously, to indulge in high living; to act extravagantly in any way. Fig. to gloat, to feast one's mind.
2. To romp, to indulge in noisy merry-making, to create a noisy disturbance.

From Intervention by Julian May (Pan Books, 1988):

anent prep. concerning (archaic, jocular or Scottish) -- The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 7th Edition. See also: the Wordsmith.org entry for anent

From Diamond Mask by Julian May (Pan Books, 1994):

[Note 2004-10-14 -- the word anent is alive and well in modern Scotland. See this Scots version of a document for examples.]

aleatory adj. 1. depending on an uncertain event or contigency as to both profit and loss (an aleatory contract) 2. relating to luck and especially bad luck -- [Merriam-Webster]

From Perseus Spur by Julian May (Voyager [HarperCollins], 1998):

macadamise v. to construct or finish (a road) by compacting into a solid mass a layer of small broken stone on a convex well-drained roadbed and using a binder (as cement or asphalt) for the mass [From noun 'macadam', from John L. McAdam, died 1836, British engineer] -- [Merriam-Webster]

From The North London Book of the Dead by Will Self:

From The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold (Voyager [imprint of Harper Collins], London 2002):

phatic adj. of, relating to, or being speech used for social or emotive purposes rather than for communicating information -- [Merriam-Webster] ; denoting speech as a means of sharing feelings or establishing sociability rather than for the communication of information and ideas -- [Hutchinson Encylopaedia]

From The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks (Orbit 2004)

siege n. (archaic sense) throne

From Esther Friesner (editor), The Chick is in the Mail (Baen Books, 2000):

squinch n. a support (as an arch, lintel, or corbeling) carried across the corner of a room under a superimposed mass [derived from an alteration the earlier word scunch meaning back part of the side of an opening].

nares n. the pair of openings of the nose or nasal cavity of a vertebrate

nostril: (n) either of the external nares; broadly : either of the nares with the adjoining passage on the same side of the septum -- [from Meriam-Webster]

persiflage n. Light good-natured talk; banter; light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject.

I am going, mister jester, to make a joke at your expense. In matters of physics and chemistry, arguments prove very little, persiflage proves nothing; experiment is everything. Allow me, then, to propose a little experiment that will entertain the public, at either your expense or at mine. [...]

Count Cagliostro to Charles Théveneau [alias de Morande]. From: The Seven Ordeals of Count Cagliostro by Iain McCalman (Flamingo, 2003) [Section 5, p. 206] [quote in more context]

exsanguinate v.tr. To drain of blood

Much of the coastline in this part of Labrador has sandy beaches but you would have to choose your day at the seaside with caution to avoid exsanguination by blackflies. These biting demons are not only abundant but also sneaky, creeping up to your hairline to deliver a painless bite that bleeds long after the culprit has left.

From: The Curse of the Labrador Duck by Glen Chilton [Chapter 1, John James Audubon in the Land That God Forgot, p. 14] [more quotes from 'The Curse of the Labrador Duck']

swinge v.tr. (archaic) To punish with blows; thrash; beat.

'Forth from its cave came the lumbering monster, pouring black smoke from its scaly nostrils and mouth. Iduna shrieked with fear, and I jumped up in panic. I had been a languishing lover for so many days that my sword and all my weapons I had left on the ship. I broke off a branch and prepared to fight the beast. I strode towards it swingeing the air like a windmill. And soon I was grappling with the demon himself. I have not fought many dragons. But the art lies in avoiding the flames.'

From: Asgard by Nigel Frith, (Unicorn [Unwin Paperbacks], 1982, ISBN 0049232092) [p. 204] [more quotes from 'Asgard' by Nigel Frith]

glaucous adj. light bluish green or greenish blue.

"As our flight descended through drizzle and heavy low clouds, the three predominant colors were blue-gray, green-gray, and glaucous."

From: Glen Chilton, The Curse of the Labrador Duck, (Simon & Schuster, NY, 2009, ISBN 9781439102473) [Chapter 12, A Black-and-White Duck in a Colorless Land, p. 193] [more quotes from 'The Curse of the Labrador Duck' by Glen Chilton]

girn v. intr. (Scots and northern English dialect) 1. to grimace; to pull grotesque faces
2. to complain fretfully or peevishly

From Jonathan Stroud, The Amulet of Samarkand (Corgi, 2010, ISBN 9780552562799):

They've got the worst taste in the world, magicians. Oh, they keep themselves all suave and sober in public, but give them a chance to relax and do they listen to chamber orchestras? No. They'd rather have a dwarf on stilts or a belly-dancing bearded lady. A little-known fact about Solomon the Wise: he was entertained between judgements by an enthusiastic troup of Lebanese girners.

[Footnote, Chapter 34, p. 363]:

[Words to be added to this page: Misprision, Qualmishness, Cyanotic, Relict, Subnivean, Saprophyte]

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