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Number Theory Proofs

  Fred Curtis - November 2000
I wrote up these proofs because I kept misplacing my copy of Hardy & Wright, and when it wasn't lost the proofs it contained were seemed inaccessible to me.

Cancellation Law: Can cancel a in ab = ac (mod m) if gcd(am) = 1

Proof: If ab = ac (mod m) then m | (ab-ac) [defn of equality mod m], i.e. m | a(b-c). If gcd(am) = 1 then m¬|a, so m | (b-c), i.e. b=c (mod m).

Note: if gcd(am) > 1 then we can't always cancel, e.g. 2×1=2×4 (mod 6), but can't cancel the 2's

Fermat's Little Theorem: ap-1 = 1 (mod p) if p prime, gcd(ap) = 1

Proof: If p is prime and gcd(a,p) = 1 then the numbers 1a, 2a, ... (p-1)a are distinct (mod p) since if n1a = n2a (mod p) then n1 = n2 (mod p) by the Cancellation Law. Since none of 1a, 2a, ... (p-1)a are zero (mod p) and there are only (p-1) distinct non-zero numbers (mod p), the numbers 1a, 2a, ... (p-1)a must be congruent to 1, 2, ... p-1 in some order. Multiply all these congruences together to get:
a·2a·...·(p-1)a=1·2·...·(p-1) (mod p)
ap-1(p-1)!=(p-1)! (mod p)
ap-1=1 (mod p)

(since gcd((p-1)!, p) = 1 the Cancellation Law applies. Core of proof shamelessly stolen from [PS1])

a2a (mod 5)3a (mod 5)4a (mod 5)


aa2 (mod 5)a3 (mod 5)a4 (mod 5)

Euler's Theorem: aphi(m) = 1 (mod m) if gcd(am) = 1

Euler's Theorem is a generalization of Fermat's Little Theorem and the proof presented here has the same form as the proof presented above for Fermat's Little Theorem. phi(m) denotes the number of positive integers less than m which are relatively prime to m. For prime m, phi(m) = m-1 and we have the special case of Fermat's Little Theorem.

Proof: Let r1r2, ... rphi(m) be the set of phi(m) integers less than m and relatively prime to m. If gcd(a,p) = 1 then the numbers r1ar2a, ... rphi(m)a are distinct (mod m) since if ria = rja (mod m) then ri = rj (mod m) by the Cancellation Law. Since each ria is relatively prime to m and there are only phi(m) distinct numbers relatively prime to m, the numbers r1ar2a, ... rphi(m)a must be congruent to r1r2, ... rphi(m) in some order. Multiply all these congruences together to get:

r1a·r2a·...·rphi(m)a=r1·r2·...·rphi(m) (mod m)
aphi(m)·r1·r2·...·rphi(m)=r1·r2·...·rphi(m) (mod m)
aphi(m)=1 (mod m)

(since gcd(r1·r2·...·rphi(m)m) = 1 the Cancellation Law applies)

a5a (mod 12)7a (mod 12)11a (mod 12)

phi(12) = 4

aa2 (mod 12)a3 (mod 12)a4 (mod 12)

Wilson's Theorem: (n-1)! = -1 (mod n) if and only if n is prime

[Also known as Fermat's Christmas Theorem]

Case 1: n is prime

Apart from 1 and -1 which satisfy x = x-1 (mod n), all the numbers from 1 to n-1 may be grouped in pairs satisfying x = y-1 where x and y are distinct. So

=1·...pairs of numbers which multiply to give 1 (mod n)...·(n-1)
=1·-1 (mod n)
=-1 (mod n)

Case 2: n is composite

If n = 4 then (n-1)! = 6 = 2 (mod n).

If n > 4 then let n = PQ for some P > 1 and Q > 1.

Prime p = 1 (mod 4) or p = 2 <=> p = a2+b2 for unique a,b <=> some i2 = -1 (mod p)

Proofs of this theorem are many and often tortuous. The theorem pops out naturally from a study of Gaussian Integers, but it's comforting to find a proof using simpler techniques. The elegant p=a2+b2 existence proof is taken almost verbatim from [Nott]. The uniqueness proof comes from [Burton] p.307.
  1. If p prime and p=a2+b2 or, more generally, if a2 + b2 = 0 (mod p) and neither a nor b is 0 (mod p) then some i2 = -1 (mod p)
    Proof:a2=-b2(mod p)
    a2/b2=-1 (mod p) [neither a or b is zero]
    (a/b)2=-1(mod p)
    Set i = a/b, then i2 = -1 (mod p)
  2. If p prime and some i2 = -1 (mod p) then p=a2+b2 for some a,b
    Proof: Choose k=floor(sqrt(p)), so k2 < p < (k+1)2. The list of numbers x+iy where 0 < x < k, 0 < y < k contains (k+1)2 > p numbers, but there are only p distinct numbers (mod p) so some two of them must be equal (mod p), say x1 + y1i = x2 + y2i (mod p) for distinct pairs (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). Then
          x1-x2=i(y2-y1) (mod p)
    (x1-x2)2=-(y2-y1)2 (mod p)
    (x1-x2)2 + (y2-y1)2=0 (mod p)

    Set a = |x1-x2|, b = |y1-y2| so a2 + b2 = 0 (mod p). But 0 < a2 + b2 < 2k2 < 2p so the only solution is a2 + b2 = p.

  3. If p prime and p=a2+b2 for some a,b then the solution is unique
    Proof: Suppose a2 + b2 = p = c2 + d2.
    Then a2d2 - b2c2=a2d2 + b2d2 - b2d2 + b2c2
     =(a2 + b2)d2 - (d2 + c2)b2
     =pd2 - pb2
     =p(d2 - b2)
     =0 (mod p)
    (ad + bc)(ad - bc)=0 (mod p)

    So p | (ad - bc) or p | (ad + bc). 0 < a,b,c,d < sqrt(p) implies ad - bc = 0 or ad + bc = p.

    Case 1: ad - bc = 0
    ad = bc. Since a | bc and gcd(a,b)=1 we have a | c, say c = ka. Then ad = bc = bka, i.e. d = ka. Then p = c2 + d2=k2(a2 + b2), so k = 1, a = c and b = d.
    Case 2: ad + bc = p
          p2 =(a2 + b2)(c2 + d2)
    =(ad + bc)2+(ac - bd)2
    =p2+(ac - bd)2
    So ac = bd and, by an argument similar to case 1, a = d and b = c.

    In either case, the pairs (a,d) and (b,c) are the same, so the solution to a2 + b2 = p is unique.

  4. Prime p = 1 (mod 4) or p = 2 <=> some i2 = -1 (mod p)
    If p is a prime with p = 3 (mod 4) then there is no solution to p = a2 + b2 from the table to the right, and from step 2 above no solution to i2 = -1 (mod p).

    If p = 2 then 12 = -1 (mod p).

    If p is a prime with p = 1 (mod 4) then

          (p-1)!=1 · 2 · ... · (p-2) · (p-1) (mod p)
     =1 · 2 · ... · (p-1)/2 · -((p-1)/2) · ... · -2 · -1 (mod p)
     =((p-1)/2)! · ((p-1)/2)! · -1(p-1)/2 (mod p)

    Since p = 1 (mod 4), (p-1)/2 is even, -1(p-1)/2 = 1 and (p-1)! = ((p-1)/2)!2 (mod p), but (p-1)! = -1 (mod p) by Wilson's Theorem. Setting i = ((p-1)/2)! satisfies i2 = (p-1)! = -1 (mod p).

    Table: Sums of squares modulo 4
     (mod 2)
     (mod 2)
    $a2 + b2  (mod 4)

If n = a2 + b2, prime p = 3 (mod 4), p | n then p | a, p | b and p2 | n

Proof: If a2 + b2 = 0 (mod p) then a2 = -b (mod p). a = 0 (mod p) and b = 0 (mod p), otherwise we could write (a/b)2 = -1 (mod p), but there is no solution to i2 = -1 (mod p) for prime p = 3 (mod 4).

How many ways can a number be written as the sum of two squares? [Proof incomplete]

This result is usually stated in textbooks counting negatives and reordering as separate representations, so e.g., 5 = 12 + 22 = 22 + 12 = -12 + 22 = -12 + -22 = ..., a total of 8 representations. This makes sense if you want to count the number of lattice points 5 units from the origin, but it can be a nuisance otherwise. The discussion here treats these representations as equivalent, so e.g. 5 = 12 + 22 (5 can be written as the sum of two squares in 1 way only), 65 = 12 + 82 = 72 + 42 (65 can be written as the sum of two squares in 2 ways).

Let numsq(n) denote the number of ways a number n can be written as the sum of two squares. Factor n as n = 2rPQ where r > 0, P is a product of primes equal to 1 (mod 4), Q is the product of primes equal to 3 (mod 4).

  1. numsq(n) ={0 if Q is not a square
    numsq(P) if Q is a square

    Proof: If n = a2 + b2, prime q = 3 (mod 4), q | n then q | a, q | b and q2 | n. This reduces to a smaller case n / q2 = (a / q)2 + (b / q)2. Continued reduction removes primes equal to 3 (mod 4) in pairs, so any sum-of-squares solution of n corresponds one-to-one to a sum-of-squares solution of n / Q = 2rP if Q is a square, or yields a contradiction [implying numsq(n) = 0] if Q is not a square.

    So if Q is a square, numsq(n) = numsq(2rP). If r > 2 then 2rP = 0 (mod 4), and [by Table: Sums of squares modulo 4] 2 | x and 2 | y, so numsq(2rP) = numsq(2r-2P). Case 1: If r is even, then numsq(n) = numsq(2rP) = numsq(P) as required. Case 2: If r is odd, then numsq(n) = numsq(2rP) = numsq(2P). Now, 2P = 2 (mod 4) so any solution to 2P = x2 + y2 has x and y odd. Now, ((y + x) / 2)2 + ((y - x) / 2)2 = (x2 + y2) / 2 = 2P / 2 = P, i.e. each sum-of-squares solution of 2P corresponds one-to-one to a sum-of-squares solution of P and numsq(n) = numsq(2rP) = numsq(2P) = numsq(P) as required.


    To be completed: proof for value of numsq(P) where P is a product of primes equal to 1 (mod 4

nn2 (mod 17)n2 (mod 17)n
nn2 (mod 19)n2 (mod 19)n


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