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Planar Maps in 4 bits/edge

Last revised: 22nd December 2001
Fred Curtis, Dept. Inapplicable Mathematics, Miskatonic University, Arkham, MA 65261. 
Abstract: Existing planar map encodings neglect maps with loops. The presented scheme
encodes any connected planar map in 4 bits/edge. Encoding and decoding time is O(edges).
In this paper graph has the most general sense, admitting loops and multiple edges. Graphs discussed here are assumed connected, unlabelled, undirected, and finite. A map is an embedding of a graph in the open plane; an embedding in the sphere is trivially viewed as a map.
Existing map encodings neglect maps with loops. [Turán84] encodes maps without loops or multiple edges in asymptotically 4 bits/edge . [Keeler95] encodes maps without loops or degree-1 vertices in 3 bits/edge. Shorter encodings exist [Chuang98] for even more specialised graphs.
The scheme below encodes any map in 4 bits/edge and requires an (unrestricted) choice of spanning tree and directed root edge. Decoding recovers the map, spanning tree and root edge.

Map edges are undirected; 'directed edge' means a pair composed of a map edge and a direction. 'CW' means 'clockwise'; 'CCW' means 'counter-clockwise'. The empty map is encoded as the empty bit string.
A map M with m > 0 edges is encoded as follows:
1.Choose a directed edge eM as the root edge of M.
2.Choose a spanning tree S of M. An edge of M is a tree edge if it lies in S, a non-tree edge if not.
3.Make a tree map T from M by splitting each non-tree edge e in M into two labelled leaf edges; label with "[" (resp. "]") the new edge in T corresponding to the initial (resp. final) segment of e tracing CCW about the circuit made by e and elements of S. If eM is a tree edge then the directed root edge eT of T is the corresponding edge in T, otherwise eT is the directed labelled leaf edge corresponding to the directed initial segment of eM. Fig. 1 shows examples.
4.Treat T as a degenerate boundary of the open plane in which each edge occurs twice. List T's edges in CW order as viewed from a point in the plane, starting with the CW aspect of eT. The first occurrence of an unlabelled edge is encoded "("; the second is encoded ")"; the first occurrence of a labelled leaf edge is encoded with the edge's label.

Fig. 1: Two encodings of a map M with the same choice of S but different eM
Solid (dotted) lines are tree (non-tree) edges in M, unlabelled (labelled) edges in T.

-    -
(a) Encoding: ] ( ( ) ( [ ) ) ( ] [ ) [ ] (b) Encoding: ( ( ) ( [ ) ) ( ] [ ) [ ] ]

Each edge of M encodes a pair of symbols, so the encoding is a string of length 2m over the alphabet  (  )  [  ] , requiring 4m bits, or 4 bits/edge. Terminate an encoding (including the encoding of the empty map) with an additional unbalanced  )  symbol to indicate end-of-encoding in a symbol stream or other circumstance where the length or end of the encoding is not apparent.

T is recovered from an encoded string as follows:

1.Create an empty (tree) map T with a single vertex. Set the marker v to refer to this vertex.
2.For each successive symbol s in the encoding,
-If s is "(" then add an unlabelled leaf edge to T at v following CCW about v from any edges previously attached to v. Set v to refer to the newly created leaf vertex.
-If s is ")" then set v to refer to the parent vertex of v.
-If s is "[" or "]" then add a labelled leaf edge to T at v following CCW about v from any edges previously attached to v. Leave v unchanged.
3.A subtree TS of T is formed by the initial vertex, unlabelled edges and their endpoints. eT is the first edge added to T, directed away from the initial vertex.

The labelled leaf edges of T can be joined in pairs to form a map J such that the initial (resp. final) segment of each joined edge in J corresponds to a leaf labelled "[" (resp. "]") in T when traversing CCW the circuit formed in J by the joined edge and TS. The original map M is an example of such a map J, and the only example since J is uniquely determined by its pairing of labelled edges and there is only one pairing: suppose edges e[a, ... e]y, ... e]z occur in CCW order about TS and e[a may be paired with e]y (resp. e]z) in map J1 (resp. J2). In J2, e[a is matched with e]z so e]y must be matched with some edge e[b between e[a and e]y. Similar reasoning with the edge sequence e[a, ... e[b, ... e]y in J1 leads to an infinite regression.

M is recovered from T by constructing the unique map J above. The spanning tree S of M is the tree corresponding to TS. If eT is unlabelled, eM is the corresponding directed edge in M; otherwise, eM is the directed joined edge in M with a directed initial segment corresponding to eT in T.

Encoding and decoding times are O(m) given, e.g., the adjacency list representation of [Keeler95] or the quad-edge data structure [Guibas85]. In encoding, O(m) time is taken to choose S, traverse T emitting symbols and compute labels for T using a copy of M (remove each successive non-tree edge e adjacent to the unbounded region; e CCW about the unbounded region opposes e CCW about the circuit made by e and elements of S). In decoding, T is created in O(m) time and the labelled edges created in CCW order about TS are joined in O(m) time as balanced parentheses.

Implicit Vertex, Edge and Face Orderings

Implicit orderings are useful when encoding auxilliary map data, e.g., a connected signed planar map (representing, e.g., a link diagram in knot theory) has a +/- sign on each edge, and may be encoded in 5 bits/edge by appending sign bits (in an implicit edge order) to the map encoding.

Examples of implicit orderings are: Vertex ordering: order map vertices by in-order traversal of the spanning tree S. Edge ordering: each symbol in the map encoding corresponds to a map edge; order map edges by first occurrence of a matching symbol within the map encoding. Face ordering: assign each map edge a direction - that of the matching "["-labelled or unlabelled edge in the tree T, directed away from the origin vertex of eT. Associate with each directed map edge e an ordered face-pair (f1f2) where e appears CCW (resp. CW) in a CCW traversal of the boundary of f1 (resp. f2). Order map faces by first occurence in a concatenated list (in an implicit edge order) of face-pairs.

Canonical Encodings

A canonical encoding of a map may be obtained by considering all possible encodings and selecting some unique representative, e.g. the first in a lexically ordered list of possible encodings.

The presented encoding scheme requires an arbitrary choice of directed root edge and spanning tree, yielding a combinatorially large number of candidate encodings. This number is reduced by making the spanning tree a function of the directed root edge, e.g. the tree obtained in a depth-first exploration of the map starting from the root edge. For graph embeddings on the sphere there is an additional arbitrary choice of some face to serve as the outer unbounded region of the plane in the encoding (the plane defines the direction of the non-tree edges in the encoding); this choice may be restricted, e.g., to the unique face where a CCW traversal of bounding edges encounters the CW aspect of the root edge. Thus the encoding for a map or spherical embedding can be uniquely determined by the choice of directed root edge, yielding 2m candidate encodings for a map with m edges.

Choices for candidate encodings may be further narrowed by considering some distinguished subset of edges, e.g. only edges adjoining faces or vertices of minimal degree, but possibilities are limited for relatively featureless maps with high symmetry. O(m2) time and O(m) space are taken by considering all 2m candidate encodings.

Canonical encodings have wider application in grouping maps into equivalence classes: those described above group maps by isomorphism (isotopy within the oriented plane or sphere); other canonical encodings may group maps by, e.g., ignoring orientation and considering a map and its mirror image as equivalent.


[Chuang98]Richie Chih-Nan Chuang & Ashim Garg & Xin He & Ming-Yang Kao & Hsueh-I Lu. Compact Encodings of Planar Graphs via Canonical Orderings and Multiple Parentheses. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1443, pp. 118-129. Document downloadable at [http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/chuang98compact.html]
[Guibas85]Leonidas Guibas & Jorge Stolfi. Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and the Computation of Voronoi Diagrams. ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol 4, no 2, April 1985, pp 74-123.
[Keeler95]Kenneth Keeler & Jeffery Westbrook. Short Encodings of Planar Graphs and Maps. Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol 58 (1995), pp. 239-252. Document downloadable at [http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/keeler95short.html]
[Turán84]György Turán. On the succinct representation of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol 8 (1984), pp. 289-294.

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